Cancellation Survey

This campaign will help you figure out why your users churn, collect important feedback, and create meaningful personal connections for the future.

Subject: Your input?

Hey {{user.first_name | capitalize | default: "there"}},

I noticed you recently canceled your [Product] subscription, and was hoping to learn more about how using [Product] went for you.

We’re working super-hard to make [Product] the best [product type] tool out there, and your input is a big part of that. Hearing your experience helps us figure out what we should focus on and improve.

If you don’t mind, I’d be so grateful if you hit reply and let me know why you downgraded. Was there something you were hoping to find inside the product, but didn’t? Was there a shift in your business, and you don’t need [benefit product provides] anymore? Or was it something else entirely?

Looking forward to your input — thanks so much,


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