Switch to Annual Billing

Subject: [$__]' worth of free [Product]

Hey {{user.first_name | capitalize | default: "there"}},

Want two free months of your [Product] [plan they’re on] plan? That’s exactly what you’ll get when you switch to annual billing!

You’re currently paying [$__] / month for [Product] [plan they’re on]. When you switch from monthly to annual billing, you’ll save [$___].

Switching is super easy. Just go to the Billing page of your account [link] to make the change (you savvy saver, you).

If you have any questions at all about your plan or your billing cycle, just reply and let us know.

And by the way, thanks so much for being part of the [Product] family. We’re so grateful to have you on board :)

Have a great day,


PS: If you’d rather stick with monthly billing, no worries — just ignore this email, and nothing will happen.

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